Books by Annie Brook
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Help for Sensory Challenges
Sensory Games to Rewire the Brain
Finally, a way to help those sensory challenged kids! Teach mom’s games they can play at home that will help their child regulate. This book is filled with simple specific exercises that work with the special senses of the face and head, plus the building blocks of proprioception, tactile, vestibular.
After working with a mom with 3 delightful girls, (who were a handful) I knew I had to write something parent friendly that would bring some relief to home life. This book does just that. The girls learned to play these games together, and Mom started to see a real difference in their ability to settle and interact.
Please, share with your friends and those families that could use a little less effort in their parenting. It’s a hard enough job as it is, sensory challenges can make it a nightmare.
Years of clinical research and support with families and children has helped me understand from the inside out what's needed.
Enjoy the benefits!
no more meltdowns, a child who can focus without sensory distractions, and more ease in parenting!
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