Learn to Heal Complex Trauma
Interrupt the heartbreak that comes from unsolved brain states and triggers. Don't keep destroying your relational life, your work life, or your own enjoyment!
Dates for 2024:
Wednesdays, from 9:30-11 am, May 29-August 14.
10 live classes, 2 integration weeks without class
Let's face it! You have already tried lots of therapy. Or behavior programs. Or coaching!
Most professionals don't understand pre-cognitive impacts that make later life events traumatic!
Why do some people stay more resilient than others?
Wouldn't you like to know how to be one of the resilient ones?
I can show you how!
Extra Bonus!!
Weekly Saturday guided movement integration online support group: 9-10:30 MT
Use the tools and get movement integration support and checkin.
ATTENTION! Change the Brain to Change the Pain!
Learn to meet complex trauma and behavior changes
at a Brain State Level
Geeky Somatic course Reveals How To Work with Complex Trauma &
Make Behavior Changes
that actually last!
...Even if you didn't previously know how
Ebooks and books that Help you Heal!
Over 9 books, and 7 ebooks filled with guidance and tools that work
movement, infant development, psychology,
creativity, and relationship
Help for Sensory Challenges
Ebook or Paperback
Annie Brook has spent over 3 decades teaching people how to regroup and release complex traumas. She teaches in a manner that is clear, practical, embodied, and brings results.
How is Annie Brook's method, the Applied Neuroplasticitytm, different than other forms...say SE, Hakomi, BioDynamic Cranial Sacral...
Students share... 'it's the group process that is different from other trainings, not group activities, but living process, what is occurring in the moment , that Annie masterfully shares....learning how to hold space, in a way that is deeper, wider, and more complex. This modeling; holding all the complexity of interactive dynamics between people, in the space, while listening for the root causes of identity. Learning to work with those earliest impressions... Even if a client can't access them or never "works" directly with those influences, practitioners experience and learn the skills, hold the field differently, and good changes happen for the client.'
from a student (AG) who certified both in Hakomi and in my Somatic Attachment training.
From the desk of Annie Brook, Ph.D.
Somatic Psychologist, Registered Movement Educator (ISMETA),
Body-Mind CenteringSM Teacher, Cranial Sacral practitioner, Gyrotonic/Gyrokinesis instructor, Yoga Teacher, Somatic Author
Dear Friend,
If you want to really make changes that are not empty "affirmations" but will endure under stress, you have to get to those very deep inner brain states.
Most professionals don't know how to get to precognitive cellular impressions.
These are what weaken your resilient foundation, and are why some people are more resilient than you are!
Good news, though, I have the tools and years of experience to get to the roots of your pain.
If you want to release complex trauma, or want to coach others to make deep changes, this will be the most important course you'll ever take.
But first, we know behaviors live in the brain! However, they actually live in the body-mind. Deep in the protective response habits that are linked to primitive experience and survival.
You know how hard it is to make changes in your behavior that last. Or how exhausting it is to work with clients who can't seem to change.
I have worked with hundreds of people just like you: coaches, therapists, business CEO's, and individuals exhausted by their lack of ability to support making real and lasting changes.
You have probably already tried the latest brain theory "ideas," and maybe even given up to your habits. Maybe you have resigned yourself to effort and frustration when coaching others, perhaps even wondered about quitting being a coach or therapist. Hopefully not.
What people don't know is that you can change the brain to change the pain.
Listen, I have an MA degree in Applied Behavior Science, in addition to my Ph.D. in Somatic psychology. My MA was a dual degree(in organizational development & family systems therapy); it helped me find ways to blend behavior accountability and change with getting to the roots of emotional/relational/fears encoded in the brain. THIS is what helps people really address changing their behavior.
How do I do it? And how can you learn to do it?
You don't want yet another method of understanding yourself. You want real change. To get there you need the unique, geeky, bodymind tools I have developed for hundreds of people over the years. I teach you how to find neural science support that builds the confidence to shift internal perceptions and behave differently. In my over 45 years as a certified Body-Mind Centering® teacher, I developed the skills to share these seemingly complex neuroscience ideas in a simple body-based manner so people can feel themselves more deeply and make changes from the inside out. And, I love sharing geeky bodymind intelligence in a manner that makes sense.
That's why this course is called Applied Neuroplasticitytm! Understanding the matrix of complex trauma, and using my methods will help you prune out the behaviors that sabotage you, interrupt your fulfillment, or defeat your sense of well being, right in your own body-mind brain!
The practices I will share with you really work! I designed and tested them in clinical practice for over 4 decades. Both children and adults made shifts in perspective, feeling states, and actions right inside their everyday life.
You are probably used to your form of emotional pain by now, and don't really think there is much more you can do. But if you don't try Applied Neuroplasticitytm, you won't know that you really can get some relief from behaviors that might be rooted in the bodymind.
But if you don't want things to change, don't bother reading more. Otherwise, if you want to take the chance for helping your own brain adjust, rewire, and enhance it's resiliency
... let me jump right in and show you ..."
Over 9 books, and 7 ebooks filled with guidance and tools that work
BioDynamic Cranial Sacral...
It's the method, not so much the "techniques" students understand and integrate. That makes them incredible healers and teachers and therapists.
Exactly What You're Getting
First of all you will have access to videos that guide you through practices you can watch for a whole year. They are easily explained. Not like hard to read books on the brain, these are tangible practices based in clinical experience, and you can feel them working.
Second, you will be guided though a personal inquiry that puts you right where the hot spot is, the complex trauma matrix. You will learn how to feel it, soften in order to unwind it, and reclaim a body-felt sense of satisfaction.
Most important, Live Healing Guidance by me tailored for your healing. We create a group healing field. You learn how to hold the space for this deep work with the support of others. To give and receive in sharing the healing tools. That is Matrix healing, and it's why it works! Complex Trauma needs this social matrix to heal!
10 live classes, 12 content Modules: Each module has the 'Why?' behind it, neuroscience theory made simple by me. And then the 'What?' is the guidance of practices found only in this course to help you practice and learn.
The real healing of Complex Trauma is jump-started in these live classes; it's where you get support and give support under my guidance. We weave a healing field based in bodymind tools, and I show you how to get to the brain states so you can relax, release, forgive, repair, and rest in a more grounded presence.
I share case study examples of how to put the practices into action, and you get ongoing resources in the membership site.
You'll receive step by step guidance so you know exactly how to 'Change the brain to Change the pain.'
There's no fluff or filler - just tried-and-tested clinical work shared with you!
And it's presented in an easy to understand manner. Even better, learning these skills is fun! Learn/see/experience healing at work is where the magic happens.
Well, I know that is impossible for people with complex trauma. They do those actions and the trauma lives on underneath!
You'll be astonished at how simple this is; and how unique... once you get a taste of the tools and guidance. You can let go of the "push yourself effort" to be calm, or the impossible sense of trying to "empty your brain!" I teach you bodymind application methods that do the work for you.
For example, I've used these practices with adults and children who were anxious, or procrastinated, or got distracted. These practices supported professional learning skills for my clients of all ages.
A mother flew in for a 4 day intensive with her child who had a very difficult birth. He immediately began to feel more confident and integrated.
A CEO I mentored is using the same strategies to reclaim his health and quality of focus for operating his business...and then using the same strategies to turn employees into more effective workers who like doing their job.
A family with 2 adopted children is using these tools and the kids are changing their behaviors! (they also got my book, The Adopted Parents Handbook)
A confident woman who just couldn't feel satisfied in life now knows how to let in nourishment and pleasure.
So like I said, there's more to this course than "just" brain theory. Here's a fraction of what you're getting...
Help that gives you space from your areas of meltdown, collapse, or over-effort.
Support to keep off the power triangle in your thinking and for behavior change.
Skillful tools to help you interrupt effort and exhaustion. Exhausted people don't make good partners, work colleagues, or friends.
We know Play makes life more fun for you as well. Learn to "play with your brain" using Applied Neuroplasticity.
There are 12 modules, packed with ideas and practices and application stories. You can even work backwards and fool your brain out of sabotage or obsessive thinking.
And much, much, more!
But you know what you'll really love?
Relief from Your Internal
Meltdowns, Controlling behaviors, or Zoning Out moments!
Listen. If you don't like "meltdowns," you're certainly not alone.
I can't stand them either. I would do anything to have myself stay regulated.
I'd literally rather walk out of the room than lose my temper and scream at a partner or child.
And that's why I've spent years testing Applied Neuroplasticity methods with adults and children.
When you use these tools, two things will happen.
First, you'll be of genuine help to yourself.
You will come away from the experience viewing yourself as a smart person who can really help your brain...regardless of failed attempts in the past.
This is really important to you because it sets you up for a long-term relationship; secure adult self-attachment that doesn't play games of self-deception, but allows you to stay regulated and present with others, even when under stress!
The next thing you'll notice is this:
You'll know how to help yourself feel alive and engaged when a melt-down, control moment, or zone out moment is about to occur!
And you'll do it without using any pressure, you won't have to convince yourself of anything, you will have a language at your fingertips that guides your bodymind immediately in ways to stay relaxed and present!
That's because of the way this course is designed.
I've created my Applied Neuroplasticitytm method using a combination of advanced body-mind tools based on principles of Body-Mind Centeringsm and my years of study of somatics and movement. I share simple tools in a simple approach called "somatic explorations" that actually helps you to feel yourself!
Yes, you heard that right. Your curiosity and bodymind will actually do the effort for you when you use these methods I'm including in your Applied Neuroplasticity Coursetm."
Here's What To Do Next
The "cost" of this course is $1397.00, and you can get access instantly by signing up today.
As soon as you place your order, you'll get an automated receipt with a link to access the membership of Healing Complex Trauma & Applied Neuroplasticity.
You can access it anywhere, immediately on any device where you can get online.
Oh, and in case you're wondering ...
Will This Really Work?
"I realize this course is not inexpensive ...so you might wonder what the "catch" is.
And I know there are some courses out there that offer you a great idea but nothing really changes.
This isn't one of them.
There's NO deep "psychological insights" you have to believe or anything even remotely like that. Just real bodymind practices that get results.
I'm literally giving you this entire course, for $1397.00, as a means of "helping you get results" and demonstrating real value.
My hope is that you'll love it and this will be the start of a good understanding relationship with your brain and behavior for years to come.
But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:"
You Better Interrupt False Identity Beliefs and Brain Sabotage Soon!
Otherwise, you can get caught in a behavioral loop with yourself. You end up on the "power triangle" and can't make lasting changes.
I watched this with a number of clients. They come to me having tried all kinds of methods; Somatic Experiencing, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Affirmation work, high level coaching. And all the while they were trying too hard and not getting to the brain state where the behavior patterns first formed.
They had gotten used to having to dance around their true feelings. They tried to shape up, ignore, and work harder. The sad part is it was too much effort and the brain will rebel when it is frozen in protective response behaviors, often initiated in the early years before you could even think!
In most cases, I would take a loss when selling the course for only $1397. Most coaches charge 4 to 5x as much for their programs! And my methods have been proven in my clinical work for over 4 decades.
So why would I do that?
Simple. I believe in people succeeding. My mom was a social worker, and her motto was, "help out when you can!"
I have spent years gathering skills that helped me to regulate! And sharing them with people in my office.
Now I want more people to have access to tools and brain state change. I'm making this offer with the idea that you'll be very impressed with what I'm giving you today, and you'll want to tell your friends about it, and more people will take this course!
I'm betting that you'll enjoy the course so much, you'll tell others, like other coaches, CEO's, entrepreneurs, teachers and therapists, to order this course. Then they will want to study with me, and to take additional classes or trainings from me.
How would you like a Bonus?
You will also get (100% FREE) my audio download, "Hidden Stories Behind Difficult Behaviors" ($10 value) as a thank you when you buy this course.
Thanks for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to speaking with you soon.
Annie Brook
P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who just skip to the end of the letter, here's the deal:
I'm offering you 10 live sessions guided by me, plus a portal to amazing content that literally changes your brain!
Applied Neuroplasticitytm is something I developed after over 45 years helping people make lasting changes. It literally teaches you how to work with brain states and make a felt shift that redirects your usual behavior patterns.
You can learn how to avoid trigger behaviors, self-sabotage, aggression, blame and low self worth...the killers of productivity and enjoyment in life ...even if nothing has worked before!
The course is only $1397.00
On top of all that, I'm also giving you a free audio download ($10 value) which explains why the earliest identity beliefs formed before you could think.
Plus my ebook, Help for Sensory Challenges, so you know how to work with the body-mind. Both are free bonuses when you sign up!
© The Brook Institute, anniebrook.com. All rights reserved.