Annie Brook Therapy & The Brook Institute
for cutting edge resources for therapists and clients.
Get results!
Treat more clients, or heal your family.
Supervision and Ongoing Training
Supervision meets second Wednesdays of the month:
1-3 PM MT.
I also offer a 1 or 2 year training option which includes attendance to all of my courses.
State of the Art Neuroscience: Applied Neuroplasticity
Psychological Development, plus
Body developmental movement & Body-Mind Centering
Movement, thought, and relationship interventions
Embodiment and Living anatomy
Training for therapists
Not just talk; interactive exchange brings therapy alive so clients heal. Help clients of all ages access brain state identity beliefs and re-inform their nervous system.
Learn to use Applied Neuroplasticity™ to "change the brain to treat the pain;" integrate head, heart, emotion, sensation, and thought.
Build your reputation as an effective and excellent therapist
(or become an even better coach)
You will have a wait list using our methods
because you are that good!
We teach therapists to improve the quality of their clients’ lives.
We teach individuals to deepen their embodiment and enjoyment of life and family.
Get Your 10 Second Cheat Sheet on How to Interrupt Mental or Emotional Drama
and Sign Up For Updates About Future Trainings
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Birth Trauma healing and Somatic Repatterning & Attachment Training
for Manual Therapists, OT’s, PT’s, and Psychotherapists.
Facilitated by Annie Brook, Ph.D., LPC, Certified Body-Mind Centering Teacher, RSME (ISMETA)
Learn to use your own experience of healing as the ground to be a better therapist, educator, or practitioner. Your earliest impressions (physically, relationally, emotionally) can shape behavior for a lifetime.
Understand how to resolve and re-pattern these cellular imprints and identity beliefs.
We bring it all
group process dynamics (help you revisit family dynamics and issues
exquisite embodiment education based on principles of Body-Mind Centering®
your birth journey integration and unraveling of protective response habits
plus psychology of development and early attachment
Learn the verbal skills necessary to be a good clinician! We look at issues of power, and teach conflict resolution and communication skills.
The breadth of skills we explore are grounded, playful, meaningful, and life-changing.
For Therapists/Coaches: No more exhaustive marketing! Your calendar will be booked when you take Brook Institute online courses and learn our methods! Nothing is worse than feeling ineffective and bored in your work, or sitting with an empty office. You can take clients to places most therapists don't know how to access, even when they are trained in body-based methods. You can even receive supervision and mentorship by Annie when you take the advanced State of the Art therapy training.
We teach therapists and individuals to deepen their embodiment, interrupt habits, and stay relational under stress. This improves quality of life and effectiveness when treating others.
Are you seeking relief? Trauma informed, bodymind tools can help you or your family right now! Annie has over 40 years experience, and people thrive with her body-mind interventions! See testimonials below...
Don't be caught in emotional dysfunction and suffer forever. Life is too short to waste it being reactive, blaming others, or in self-attack thinking. Interrupt reactivity. I know how to help you.
Heal long-standing patterns based in: nameless anxiety, self-attack thinking, blaming others, control or aggression, procrastination, withdrawal habits, or general depression.
Who is Annie Brook, Ph.D? (see about Annie tab in the top menu bar).
Dr. Brook is a master therapist and educator. She has helped individuals, couples, families, and children for over 40 years. Annie trains therapists in her unique methods that give therapists waiting lists and results!
Annie believes in "change the brain to change the pain" and her method, Applied Neuroplasticitytm does just that. She helps clients to access implicit cellular memory, and uses neuroscience, movement, and touch or self-touch skills to reinform the brain. Her unique method of healing blends neuroscience, behavioral science, and kinesthetic body-movement science to bring lasting relief.
Only offered 1x year in January: A 4-month immersion with Annie Brook. This is a must for coaches! Do the inner work, and get the best in how to market your own programs. Learn to be authentic, not cookie cutter in your work.
Wake up your Inner Genius and thrive in life!
Get Somatic Tools that really work
Get supervision and use them in your Therapy Practice
ONLINE PROGRAMS....Use the tabs above for information
Live or self-paced courses available.
Includes membership site loaded with resources;
Sessions for Adults
Heal Depression and Anxiety, Anger, Blaming others, obsessive thinking, Hidden Fears, Shame, Procrastination, Birth Trauma,
PTSD and complex trauma
Sessions for Kids
Get relief from difficult Child Behavior, Sensory-Motor Issues, Birth Trauma, Control issues and anxiety, and Attachment Problems
Sessions for Adoptive Parents and adults who were adopted
Learn how to break the Frustration Despair Cycle and how to heal the Adoption Imprint. Get relief from family upset and strain.
Sessions for Couples
Stop tearing your relationship apart through bad behaviors! Unlock your inner wisdom, bring healing to past hurts, and learn new skills. Find the intimacy you are capable of, have longed for, and always wanted to create.
"Annie is a dynamic group facilitator, who is full of fierceness and compassion. She teaches from an authentic, heart-filled, intelligent, heart and mind. Annie offers a comprehensive and experiential field in which to explore and understand our earliest developmental patterns and those of our clients. As we begin to uncover these survival-based strategies from infancy, Annie offers new choices for how to be in life more completely and have more nurturing and satisfying relationships. Annie’s groups and online classes are filled with space for personal exploration, somatic practice, and wise insight to bring back into your personal life as well as your professional life.”
Allison Weliky, LPC, MA
Licensed Psychotherapist
“ I learned how to really, really, really slow it down so I am not re-stimulating my trauma. I learned skills to track my own trauma responses/triggers so that I don’t dissociate. The training put me in more awe than I could have imagined regarding early imprinting and the power and lasting effects it can have on us. Now I know what anesthesia given to Mom can do to baby,and I am gradually clearing this imprint out of my system. This training has dramatically and irrevocably altered my life in so many positive ways. Annie models the work so expertly in just the way she “holds space” during the trainings.”
Michael Mathieu
Certified Rolfer
Here is what others say about the Brook Institute Trainings and Healing Work
Julie Rappaport. MA
www.Marriage counseling in boulder.com
"I have taken numerous trainings in the past and have found that none have covered the depth AND breadth that Annie’s does. She has an uncanny way of weaving everything together so that it all makes sense. Her teachings are unique, as she masterfully weaves many different theories, concepts and modalities into one. I have never been in a training where I have learned so much personal and professional applicable material."
Julie Rappaport. MA
www.Marriage counseling in boulder.com
Jonathan Grassi, LMT, CPTMI
"Annie Brook is one of the living somatic masters of our time. Her lifelong dedication to the somatic life, continual training, and deepening her practice, has led her to astounding understandings of the complexity and brilliance of the body-mind. She is a facilitator of change on a cellular level, working at the very bedrock of identity and behavior. She will open your perception to the depths of the formation of consciousness
and how to be a facilitator there, in that space, helping you to create the kind of change for your clients that is so rare and so beautiful. I cannot recommend working with her enough. She has brought so much depth and richness to my life and my practice. It is a true blessing to have her guidance on the path."
Board Certified Massage Therapist
Bronze medalist winner of the World Champion in Massage and featured in the film "Touched" which will debuted at film festivals in 2021
David Sawyer,
founder Prenatal Journey training
The Center for Somatic Psychology LLC
"Annie Brook, Ph.D. has been studying somatic psychotherapy for 35 years and pre & perinatal psychology for 25 years. Her book set, Birth’s Hidden Legacy, is an extensive overview of the field of prenatal and birth psychology. In great detail, it reviews the profound and varying effects that this formative period can have on later life. With numerous case studies, Dr. Brook illustrates treatment techniques to bring about change. Birth’s Hidden Legacy is a great addition in an emerging field. It contains decades of knowledge synthesized from her own work and others, and makes this available in a coherent, easy to read format for all."
"Annie is a brilliant guide for those of us on the path of healing. She is highly attuned to her clients, dedicated for the long haul, and truly gifted in helping people navigate through the complex terrain of prenatal life, birth, and early developmental related issues. Annie is also able to powerfully assist couples as they repair early attachment dynamics and move into embodied connection and ever expanding intimacy. Annie lives what she teaches. She is an integrated woman, a creative inspiration, and a treasure in our community..."
Books, ebooks, audio, DVD, online courses, and individual online session support
We offer a variety of resource books and ebooks for parents, therapists, and educators.
Learn by watching. Follow Annie through guided movement sessions with infants and adults, learn the developmental movement patterns, and train your brain. For parents, movement educators, and adults.
Online 1:1 Sessions
We offer online one on one client sessions for those that can't make it into our Boulder office. This includes effective sessions for children.
Online Courses